surround yourself with kind people

Lending Realistic Hope

The first time Alice put pen to paper to articulate her life purpose in 2011, she was certain it was coming from a deep place of hope within her heart.

It came from the child she had been and who was still with her. Alice also wondered if her ideal was too big to achieve. It did get written a few more times over the past decade but always incorporated a solid theme of being a voice in the silent landscape on the topic of sibling sexual abuse. Why? To lend realistic hope to other survivors that they are not alone was the core desire Alice felt was needed.

Yet Alice, in 2011, still felt very alone on her journey as an adult survivor and the idea of hope was wonderful. She hoped that she would find a path to recovery that was realistic or even real recovery. Was recovery possible?

By then she’d disclosed her brother’s abuse of her to all the people that she loved. She’d also sought or dabbled in alternative therapies. She was still to do any deeper, meaningful work through hypnosis and therapy. If any of her loved ones raised the topic it set off emotions in Alice and she felt as if her heart was beating in her ears and her chest would flood with unshed tears. She didn’t know what to do with all of that, it confused her and she’d change the topic.

No one she worked with knew about it. She wouldn’t even consider talking about it, so how would they. At that time, she was rocketing along through life, busy with a successful growing company, her children had grown to become adolescents and young women, each moving towards their own lives, and there wasn’t time to talk about such matters with anyone, not just yet.

More than a decade since then, that’s all changed for Alice, and it feels so good to have stepped into recovery, or maybe jumped into recovery, splashing around and getting muddy, boots and all!

RESOLVE is Alice’s story from the age of eight until adulthood.

Interwoven through the story is what Alice took from all she learned that was helpful to her in recovery. Alice shares insightful facts and information she previously had no idea were associated with the abuse. She questioned herself in the process as to why she hadn’t thought to seek it out earlier in life, but now she has.

Alice, now in her 50s, a mother and grandmother, has poured all her love, compassion and care into every page of RESOLVE for herself and her readers. She is doing so, conscious that relatability, feeling connection, and safety are integral to recovery and opening up authentic, raw and real discussion that heals.

Alice has not overshared and provides realistic hope within a safe capsule from cover-to-cover.

Respectful of all parties connected to her story, Alice shares a heartfelt experience of her life. Doing so, with the hope that if even one survivor can breathe out, find self-forgiveness and self-compassion and speak up, that’s enough for now. A life purpose that’s still coming to fruition. Taking it gently. One baby step at a time.

RESOLVE: a story of courage, healthy inquiry and recovery from sibling sexual abuse is Alice’s story.

Due for release soon.

Sign up for RESOLVE news or follow Alice on Facebook and Instagram to stay posted for when pre-orders open.

Alice and her team are aware that the content of this website and RESOLVE may be triggering. You will find a short list of incredible organisations you can reach out to under the SUPPORT tab for help.

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RESOLVE is now available globally in print and audio format. You can also purchase it directly from Alice via her website.

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