Need Support? has a lot of general awareness and prevention info about sibling sexual trauma and abuse. was designed as a place for anyone personally affected, whether survivors, parents, or people who have harmed a sibling in their youth, to find information and solidarity on a wide variety of topics they might face.

  • At the top of each page on there is a link to a worldwide listing of crisis lines, sexual assault centres, child sexual abuse prevention lines, etc.
  • At the bottom of every page on both websites are links to support groups for sibling sexual abuse: one on Facebook for survivors, one on Facebook for parents, and a new one on Discord with both general channels and specific ones for survivors, partners, other family members, parents, etc.

If you need support from the counselling services and helplines I listed in the Introduction to Resolve, their contact details are as follows:


Kids Helpline is available by phone at 1800 551 800

Lifeline on 13 11 44

The Australian Government’s Australian Institute of Family Studies ( states that if you believe a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 000.

The counsellors at Australia’s 1800RESPECT are also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by phone at 1800 737 732 and by web chat via their website at


If your child is in danger in the United States, don’t hesitate to call the Police on 911

Also, in the USA, you can contact (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) to talk to someone who is trained to help.

#speakup #survivorstories #healingfromtrauma #preventionisbetterthancure #siblingincest #brothersisterincest #creatormindset #dramatriangle #theempowermentdynamic #empoweredoutcomes #childsexualabuseamongsiblings #recoveryfromsiblingsexualabuse #siblingsexualabuse #awkwardsilence #resolve #aliceperleauthor #siblingstoo #fullstop #bravehearts #darknesstolight #rainn #5waves #siblingsexualtrauma #discord

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