Unity IncestAware Alliance closing the incest gap

Important New Resource: Incest AWAREness Guide To Help Close The Incest Gap

Hello from Alice,

This week, I want to share something important with you instead of my usual blog.

I don’t recall that I’ve shared this in a blog before; however, after writing Resolve, I was invited to become a member of the IncestAWARE Alliance, a global network of advocates, survivors, coaches, authors, speakers and professionals spearheaded by Josephine Lauren in the USA and their team. While I may be on the other side of the world and unable to attend their 2 a.m. meetings, Josephine has made me feel welcome, and I keep them informed of what I’m doing or what is being done in Australia through monthly updates on my work.

I am reaching out today to introduce you to a powerful resource that Josephine recently released: the Incest AWAREness Guide. This comprehensive guide outlines the barriers and opportunities in the areas of Prevention, Intervention, Recovery, and Justice regarding incest prevention, supporting survivors, helping survivors recover, and exploring the matters related to justice.

One of the key issues the guide tackles is something called The Incest Gap. Here’s what that means:

The Incest Gap refers to the lack of adequate methods to prevent incest, intervene effectively, support survivors in their recovery, and ensure appropriate justice is served. This gap leaves children vulnerable to sexual violence within their own homes, retraumatises rather than permits healing for survivors during the intervention process, and often isolates survivors and their families as they navigate recovery alone. Meanwhile, offenders often remain free to continue harming others.

Barriers to Closing The Incest Gap are especially felt by:
  • Survivors with physical, cognitive, or language barriers
  • People from historically marginalized racial, ethnic, and cultural groups
  • LGBTQIA+ people
  • Those facing financial vulnerabilities

As I seem to quote regularly, the words of Simon Sinek fit well with Josephine and the IncestAlliance’s call to action:

Alone is Hard. Together is Better.

Closing the Incest Gap together.

I encourage you to access the Incest AWAREness Guide on the IncestAware website. It can be read or listened to.

Feel free to save, printscreen and share this social media post. Share it with your connections, community, psychologist, educators, practitioners, professionals, family, or anyone else who may want to contribute to or benefit from the collective work towards closing the Incest Gap.

Incest AWAREness Guide
Join the Movement

The IncestAWARE Alliance is about raising awareness and building a global community of people, including survivors, allies, and advocates, who are committed to change. There are many ways to get involved or to contribute.

Please take a moment to explore the Incest AWAREness Guide and other resources on the IncestAware site:

Thank you for being part of this journey with me.

With courage and compassion,


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