Be a light

“I want to be an author because…”

The Hay House Writing Community program journal prompt #3 was: “I want to be an author because…”. I set a timer and wrote in a stream of consciousness for seven minutes in my journal without lifting my pen from the page:

I want to be an author because for it (sibling sexual abuse) to have happened to me, and then me not do something, that’s beyond my comfort zone, that does not feel right in my heart. Deep down I’m also hoping for the book to become a start to the conversation about this most common unspoken taboo. It’s rare to hear the word incest. It’s been hidden by families, even as being a disgracing of the family name, so the abused feels she’s done something wrong in sharing with anyone what she experienced. I’d like to help her to feel that she can let the stagnant energy of the abuse out of her cells. To let new fresh oxygenated blood flow through her, rebirthing her to the richer version of her life. In my writing it leads to the chance I may change the future for thousands of young children. I can see I will write a children’s version, or a novel version someday, or a documentary children are allowed to view. How far I can make this unspoken topic get cracked open is only limited by my own fears. I’m like all others who have been a victim. I struggle to say it out loud, to even write what I’m writing about in the FB group of Hay House. As an author I am exploring all of this, the feelings, the beliefs in me and it is serving to let me lighten my burden too. I’m researching whereas I wouldn’t have; I’m gaining knowledge. Knowledge is power. As an author I want to make a powerful contribution to massive change for children, families, other survivors and the society we live in.

From Alice’s handwritten journal notes in 2021 to clarify her vision for writing a memoir.
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