I feel called to write a book, Alice Perle

“I feel called to write a book because…”

The Hay House Writing Community program journal prompt was: “I feel called to write a book because…”. I set a timer and wrote in a stream of consciousness for seven minutes in my journal without lifting my pen from the page:

I feel called to write a book because what happened to me is happening every day and it is not talked about. It’s me sharing on a topic that feels shameful to say out loud, for fear of being shut down, shut out, of disbelief and being alone. Alone as the reader has felt many times before and as I did many times before now. I feel called to write a book to let fresh air into others lives so they have a safe place to start their healing journey from. It may help them become more aware and open to say the right thing, to look, and question, or hug and support someone they know and love. It is a disease-inducing hidden stress, and they don’t even know it could be causing their illnesses, in most cases, or it will if they don’t address it. I feel called to write a book for children now. To have revealed this topic and hopefully scared off their abusers. To help them to find a way to duck out of the box they’ve been put into to be played with. To set more men and women free from their inner conflict of self-blame, loathing and doubt. Even just a small good change or shared hope is going to come from maybe one single sentence I’ve written. I will write it with great care, from my heart, and do the best I can to balance the mix of what one person needs to hear right now. It will be a book that is talked about and so the topic will be discussed. That’s what it is about. That families have until now expected silence over embarrassment, to compromise a victim’s soul and expect that to just be a repercussion they need to live with. They have no idea the pain that is to bear and live with in their heart. Releasing that and feeling their way through to a new life. That’s why I feel called to write a book.

From Alice’s handwritten journal notes in 2021 to clarify her vision for writing a memoir.

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