What Every Parent Needs to Know About Sibling Sexual Abuse
The pack and the #siblingstoo day were brought together because of dozens of professionals, academics, lived experience experts, donors, sponsors and volunteers.
The Tiger’s Eyelash Story: patience and release
The tigers eye lash is a story about patience, about giving the enraged one kindness and time to get over it. It’s something we often do for other people, we say, ‘Oh they’re upset, give them some time, a few days, and they’ll get over it and calm down. But it’s something that we seldom do for ourselves. - Clarissa Pinkola-Estes
The Bigger Picture of Sibling Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse involving child siblings is thought to be the most common form of intra-familial child sexual abuse, perhaps up to three times as common as the sexual abuse of a child by a parent.