Be The Change

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

Thank you for reading or listening to Resolve. Your journey with this story doesn’t end on the last page. Together, we can break the silence around sibling sexual abuse and empower survivors, families, and advocates to take meaningful action. Here are some ways you can be part of the change.

How You Can Be the Change

1. Read and Reflect
Take time to absorb the insights of Resolve. Reflection, or processing as some people have called it, is an important step in understanding the complexities of sibling sexual abuse and the journey towards recovery and thriving.

2. Share and Start Conversations
Share Resolve with others, whether by passing on the book or using it to start conversations that raise awareness in your family, community, or workplace. Resolve is available for free with Spotify premium; and we’ve used our Audible credits to send a gift of Resolve to people we know. Just check they are interested in being on Audible, if they aren’t already. Talking openly about SSA is the first step to breaking the stigma.

3. Advocate and Educate
Recommend Resolve to libraries, school staff and parents, or community organisations to spread awareness and build a supportive network for survivors and others affected by sibling sexual abuse. This small step can have a powerful ripple effect.

4. Engage and Empower
Join the conversation on social media. You’ll find our links to Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest via the home page of our website. We’d love you to stay connected for resources, news of podcast appearances, upcoming events, and discussions about SSA. Consider hosting a speaking event or a workshop to foster deeper learning and community support.

5. Leave a Review
Your feedback can amplify the message. Consider leaving a rating or written review on Amazon or Goodreads. Both ratings and reviews help Resolve reach more people who can benefit from its message. If you’re not a fan of Amazon, you are welcome to send a review via the Contact form on our website to be shared on our socials, either named or anonymously.

Additional Engagement Opportunities

Connect with Our Community

Blog Sign-up

Join our mailing list to receive Alice’s weekly blog. Share it on your socials or to workplace or school newsletters, and use the posts as conversation starters. Sometimes, they will include journal prompts that benefit everyone, not just survivors.

Workshops and Speaking Engagements

Are you interested in hosting a workshop or inviting Alice Perle to speak? Learn more by checking out our Appearances page and supporting pages on our website.

Your role in making lasting, meaningful change matters. Taking any of these steps contributes to a world where survivors and their loved ones are heard, supported, and empowered, and prevention becomes possible.

Thank you for being part of this change.

Alice Perle and team

Blue Borage Publishing

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RESOLVE is now available globally in print and audio format. You can also purchase it directly from Alice via her website.

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